If you are looking to find affordable English Bulldog puppies for sale well you already know it will be a challenge to find pups at affordable pricing. The reason why I say this is because you personally have to define what affordable is. Just how much are you prepared to spend on an English Bulldog pup? I am sure you have already done your research and pretty much know these particular dogs aren’t cheap. So, my question to you is what do you call affordable? I personally define affordable as comparing breeder pricing and selecting the one that is the cheapest, which is probably the only way an answer can be given to the question of how to find affordable English bulldog puppies for sale. But anyway here are some pointers to consider when shopping for English Bulldogs.
Affordable English Bulldog Puppies For Sale #1: Search your local flea market
The local flea market or swap meet is a great place to shop for English Bulldog puppies. There are many people that don’t go to flea markets regularly because flea markets tend to have a reputation for selling a lot of junk, but you can possibly find English Bulldog pups for sale there. Some may argue that the pups there aren’t legit but if you have already done your homework and know enough about English Bulldogs before you go to a flea market then you can tell if you are indeed getting a solid breed.
Affordable English Bulldog Puppies For Sale #2: Flea Markets are Normally Cheaper
The average English Bulldog breeder at the flea market will have cheaper than normal pricing. It’s the flea market mentality to have bargains. There is so much markup in the pricing of English Bulldogs that the average breeder doesn’t mind taking a cut in profits. They are also aware that the average flea market customer will normally beg for a lower price so they have to be flexible.
Affordable English Bulldog Puppies For Sale #3: You Can Inspect The Dog and Breeder Thoroughly
Another good point about buying from the flea market is you can actually inspect the dog to see if there are any flaws. Breeders will let you handle the dog so you can observe it. Breeders also have the required paperwork for their dogs to prove their authenticity and the paperwork to prove their health is in good standing. Along with inspecting the dog you are also able to ask any questions you may have directly to the breeder and through observation notice any negatives about the breeder such as the cleanliness of his pets, the health of his pets, and the disposition of the breeder.
Affordable English Bulldog Puppies For Sale #4: Ask For A Cheaper Price
At a flea market you really have an advantage against the breeders because you may stand the chance of talking the breeder down from his price. They know how hard it is to sell English Bulldogs and if you are serious about making the purchase you may be able to buy the dog for less than the price he’s selling it for.