When you begin to see a mounting behavior in dogs, it needs to be addressed at once, otherwise this situation will be a habit for the dog. Once the habit has sprang up it is difficult for them to cease.
This mounting behavior in dogs can begin with pups at the age of six weeks. They commonly do it as a sign of control over its subservient victim. What I mean by this is that the pup will play fight as normal and if it's faced by a problem where the pup can bind the victim it may start humping.
This mounting behavior in dogs is a method dogs show themselves as bullying the physical object they've got in its place. Bitches will hump other dogs to convey sexual exhilaration (maybe she's in heat).
Even so, bitches will also hump as a symbol of control, this can occur if you've got some dogs, and the female is the Alpha female. The female may hump the Beta male to express her dominance in the pack rules of order.
When a pack order is set up, the dominant dogs still need to cue the dogs of lower rank, who's the boss every now and then. The initial pack order act produces the fiercest and more common problems, but once that order is based within a pack then it is not essential to use much force to keep that order intact.
If the mounting behavior in dogs is due primarily to sexual urges, castration can occasionally help, but it may take some time for the shifts to happen. If the male has had this trouble for a while before castration, then it may have become a habit.
The soundest way to break off the mounting behavior in dogs is to see the dog getting on its victim and hose it down, but don't do this on a very frigid day and not on a young pup. A squirt gun may also be a convenient tool.
When the water hits the dog scream "no" in a strong voice. This instruction is only required one time as long as the dog pulls back, keep the hose on the dog for a couple of seconds longer then get back to normal as though nothing occurred. Don't cause any bickering over your dog, for a least half an hour after it's mounted.
If the water method isn't appropriate for your style of coaching, then use the same method like the water technique, but tell the victim to drive the dog down while master gives the instruction 'NO'.
Dog obedience trainings are the most effective ways to stop primary mounting behaviors in dogs problems. Locate yourself a excellent dog trainer, and get wind yourself from the trainer on how to integrate certain behavioral steps into your dog's training program.
When you first attend a dog-training lesson, it is a sound plan to take a number of all the questions or behavioral troubles you may wish to ask your trainer about.
Under no considerations should you let the dog do this as a prank or otherwise it can be rather awkward for guests to visit your yard and your dog commences hopping on their legs.
If you are able to anticipate this occurring then deflect the dog with something else to stave off this conduct.